Welcome to the International Scientific Conference: Human Centric AI: Ethics, Regulation, and Safety!

Hosted by the Vilnius University Faculty of Law, this conference aims to dissect the ethical implications of AI development and its profound impact on society. Through engaging panel discussions, captivating keynote speeches, and insightful research presentations, experts from diverse backgrounds such as law, technology, ethics, and human rights will convene to dissect the challenges and opportunities presented by AI.

Don't miss this exceptional event of key researchers, where we will delve into the ethical implications of AI advancement, examine governance principles, address privacy concerns, and explore the role of AI in sustainable development. Join us as we chart the course for a human-centric approach to AI that prioritizes ethics, regulation, and safety.


Conference Opening and Welcome Addresses

13:00 – 13:15

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vigita Vėbraitė (Vilnius University Faculty of Law)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Linas Petkevičius (AI Association President)

Keynote Address - Human Judge v. AI Judge: The Future of the Justice

13:15 – 13:30

Prof. Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska and Aleksandra Klich, PhD, (University of Szczecin (Topic to be confirmed))

Panel 1: AI in Public Policy, Civil Enforcement, and Risk Management

13:30 – 14:30

Neringa Gaubiene and Kristina Pranevičienė, PhD, Vilnius University ("AI and Civil Enforcement")

Valentas Gružauskas, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Vilnius University ("Practical Management of AI Risks: Strategies for Mitigating Ethical and Safety Challenges")

Miroslavas Seniutis, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Vilnius University ("Exploring Large Language Models in Social Service Delivery: Initial Results of a Systematic Review")

Viltė Kristina Dessers, PhD, Vilnius University, KU Leuven ("AI & AI Act: challenges and opportunities for justice")

Lina Dzindzelėtaitė – Šaltė, PhD Candidate, VU ((Topic TBA))

Coffee Break

14:30 – 14:45

Panel 2: AI and Governance: Regulatory Challenges and Consumer Protection

14:45 – 15:45

Julija Kalpokienė, PhD Candidate, (Vytautas Magnus University, "No Justice Through AI: Why SDG16 Should Not Be Automated")

Aleksandra Olbryk, PhD Candidate, University of Lodz ("Are Deceptive Artificial Intelligence Techniques Going Dark? Consumer Protection Against Dark Patterns between the AI Act and the DSA")

Jūlija Terjuhana, PhD Candidate, University of Latvia ("Deep Fakes and Manipulation: Regulating AI in Election Campaigning in Latvia")

Monika Šukytė, PhD Candidate, Vilnius University ("Bias in Facial Recognition Technologies: How it Happens and What is at Stake")

Justinas Lingevičius, PhD Candidate, Vilnius University ("Towards Agentic Security: Human-Technology Interaction in the EU AI Policy")

Coffee Break

15:45 – 16:00

Panel 3: AI Ethics, Regulation, and Legal Challenges

16:00 – 17:00

Tiago Sérgio Cabral, University of Minho ("The List of High-Risk Systems Under the AI Act: Legal Certainty or Lack of Flexibility?")

Goda Strikaitė-Latušinskaja, PhD Candidate, (Vilnius University, "AI Systems to Support vs Supersede Judges in Decision-Making: European Perspective")

Laura Centeno Casado, Student Assistant, (European Institute of Public Administration "AI and the Fundamental Right of Non-Discrimination")

Inesa Stolper, PhD Candidate, Mykolas Romeris University ("Ready for AI? Assessing Technology Adoption in Judicial Systems")

Artūras Grumulaitis, PhD Candidate, Vilnius University ("Navigating AI Regulation: Addressing Liability for Defective AI Systems")

Closing Remarks for Day 1

17:00 – 17:15

08:30 - 09:00 | Welcome Coffee

8:30 – 9:00

Conference Opening and Welcome Addresses

9:00 – 09:15

Haroldas Šinkūnas, (PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Vilnius University)

Vytautas Nekrošius, (PhD, Prof. habil., Vilnius University Faculty of Law)

Panel 1: Legal Foundations for AI and Human Rights

9:15 – 10:45

Irena Barkane, PhD, University of Latvia („Endorsing Human Rights-Based Approach in European AI Regulation“)

Roman Bieda & Anna Bednarek, AI LAW TECH („Legal Challenges of Quantum AI Systems“)

Leda Kuneva, Clever Together Ltd. („AI Governance, Education, Alignment, and Diplomacy“)

Ljupcho Grozdanovski, PhD, (JUST-AI Jean Monnet Center of Excellence „The Right(s) to Explanation in the GDPR, AI Act, AI Liability Directive, and EU Non-Discrimination Law“)

Coffee Break

10:45 – 11:00

Panel 2: Legal Challenges of AI in Technological Innovation

11:00 – 12:30

Ivana Kunda, PhD, Prof., University of Rijeka („AI and the Creative Frontier: Copyright Challenges and Opportunities“)

Yonah Welker,MIT („Future of Algorithms, Research & Policy“)

Sue Anne Teo, PhD, (Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law „Human Dignity and Artificial Intelligence: Legal Considerations“)

Jan van Staalduinen, PhD Fellow, Leiden University („User Liability for Medical AI Systems: From Theory to Practice“)

Donatella Casaburo & Elisabetta Biasin, (PhD Candidates, KU Leuven „The AI Act’s Requirement of Completeness for Training Datasets: Can Historical Data Comply“)

Lunch Break

12:30 – 13:30

Panel 3: AI Regulation, Consumer Protection, and Data Security

13:30 – 15:00

Rosalili Wan Rosli, PhD, Prof.,University of Bradford („Deploying AI in Preserving Data Security in Cyber-Warfare“)

Monika Namysłowska, PhD, Prof., University of Lodz („Consumer Protection under the AI Act“)

Rūta Binkytė, PhD, (CISPA Helmholtz Centre for Information Security „On the Need and Applicability of Causality for Fair Machine Learning“)

Paulius Pakutinskas, PhD, Prof., Mykolas Romeris University („(Topic TBA)“)

Coffee Break

15:00 – 15:15

Panel 4: AI, Labour Law, and International Regulation

15:15 – 16:45

Tomas Davulis, PhD, Prof., Vilnius University ((Topic TBA))

Benediktas Girdvainis („Implementing the EU AI Act in Lithuania: Challenges and Strategies for Compliance with Ethical, Regulatory, and Safety Requirements“)

Hubert Etienne, PhD ((Topic TBA))

(Speaker TBA) ()

Closing Remarks

16:45 – 17:00