Welcome to the International Scientific Conference: Human Centric AI: Ethics, Regulation, and Safety!

Hosted by the Vilnius University Faculty of Law, this conference aims to dissect the ethical implications of AI development and its profound impact on society. Through engaging panel discussions, captivating keynote speeches, and insightful research presentations, experts from diverse backgrounds such as law, technology, ethics, and human rights will convene to dissect the challenges and opportunities presented by AI.

Don't miss this exceptional event of key researchers, where we will delve into the ethical implications of AI advancement, examine governance principles, address privacy concerns, and explore the role of AI in sustainable development. Join us as we chart the course for a human-centric approach to AI that prioritizes ethics, regulation, and safety.

Jan van Staalduinen, PhD Fellow, Leiden University

Jan van Staalduinen, PhD Fellow, Leiden University

„User Liability for Medical AI Systems: From Theory to Practice“